
Conexon can design your fiber network in minutes instead days or weeks

Rural Fiber Distribution Design technology revolutionizes fiber design

The challenge of designing a fiber network can be daunting for even the most progressive electric cooperative. From completing ride-outs, determining infrastructure viability, and manually mapping fiber routes to ultimately designing a fiber network and planning for high adoption, the process is often slow, inefficient and expensive.

Our autodesign technology changes the narrative, streamlining processes for maximum efficiency and accuracy. Because every co-op is unique, our software is fully customizable to meet our clients’ needs today and in the future.

Comprehensive Fiber Network Design In Minutes

Conexon’s Rural Fiber Distribution Design Platform leads the industry with innovative processes:

  1. Creates a design map data in minutes rather than the normal days or weeks it can take using traditional manual design.
  2. Utilizes a custom fiber design algorithm that eliminates the potential human error intrinsic in manual design and ensures the most optimal use of cable and equipment through maximized light calculations on any electric network.
  3. Designs an entire electrical distribution line on a single run, which allows the co-ops to build out faster and consequently experience a higher uptake.


The Conexon Advantage

Our autodesign platform enables our team to design your fiber network faster, more efficiently and more accurately. It positions your co-op to turn up today’s fiber customers quickly and to more easily accommodate future growth.

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Saves Time

Our platform dramatically shifts the time to market for ride-out changes, make-ready and construction by automating several steps of manual work.

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Saves Money

Our custom software evaluates the electric network for the least-cost path of strung fiber.

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Optimizes the Network

Our technology evaluates every possible combination of fiber in a given substation/feeder network, and optimizes light calculations based on our longstanding design and construction standards.

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Customizable Technology

Our design approach is entirely customizable, taking into account parameters your team prefers to use for network design.

"The type of system, the Distributed TAP, is about the only way we felt we could go in a rural area like ours … Quite honestly it was something I wasn’t even aware of, but once I got my head around it, it made a lot of sense. As far as being cost-effective, it’s worked really well, when you consider the price of TAPS versus running more fiber. It’s worked extremely well."

Headshot of Jack Davis from Pemiscot-Dunklin
Jack Davis General Manager, Pemiscot-Dunklin Fiber
Pemiscot-Dunklin Fiber white logo

Manual Design vs. Platform Design

Conexon’s software retains 100 percent of all automatic decisions that the algorithm makes during the design process and stores them in a database.

This approach is more accurate than a manual design process where the decision to allocate a piece of fiber or equipment at a given location is prone to human error. It is also different from other proprietary software where data is not fully stored.

Because our software is so efficient we have the ability to run several scenarios in a matter of hours to determine the best outcome for our clients. With other approaches, this step normally takes months to accomplish, with too many versions for a team to manage.

We build in extra capacity and tune the model for growth, which in turn allows you to be prepared for future expansion.

A sample image of a network design map buildout.
Conexon Main Icon

200,000+ miles of fiber designed with maximum efficiency and accuracy

Conexon can design the optimal FTTH network for your unique co-op footprint and infrastructure – in a matter of minutes.