Client Success

Fast-Tracking the Future: Ocmulgee EMC’s Broadband Journey

Just two years ago, Ocmulgee EMC, a small rural electric cooperative serving over 8,000 members across five counties in middle Georgia, embarked on a transformative journey.

Co-op Members


Total Miles of Fiber


Project Timeline

2-4 years

Just two years ago, Ocmulgee EMC, a small rural electric cooperative serving over 8,000 members across five counties in middle Georgia, embarked on a transformative journey: to deliver high-speed fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) internet to its members. Today, the EMC’s broadband project is nearing completion – approximately 8 months ahead of its projected timeline.  

With a rich history spanning 86 years, Ocmulgee EMC serves a diverse community that encompasses residential, agricultural, and small industrial sectors. “Our members really love our co-op and grew up with it; it's like a family to them,” General Manager W.H. Peacock explained. As the co-op’s broadband journey has progressed – at record speed – member feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. “All we hear is people saying that they love the service. They’re appreciative and ecstatic.”

Only two feeders remain to be connected, and Ocmulgee’s FTTH network is on track to be completed by mid-Summer 2024. More than 2,600 subscribers have been connected. “We are really pleased with our progress and are set to finish the project ahead of schedule, which is a testament to our team's dedication and hard work,” Peacock said.

“Conexon had the expertise needed to get this going and already had done successful projects. We never really considered being the ISP ourselves. Conexon knew how to do it, and that was right for us. Having Conexon beside us with their knowledge and experience was the greatest thing”

W. H. Peacock General Manager, Ocmulgee EMC

The journey to this moment started years ago, with the push for broadband intensifying amid the backdrop of the pandemic. Members were already eager for the service. Ocmulgee EMC serves many employees of the Robins Airforce Base, remote workers, as well as one of the only collegiate flight schools in the country. The lack of reliable internet to power online education and remote work during COVID-19 shutdowns demonstrated the need couldn’t be overlooked any longer. 

“COVID forced our hand,” Peacock said. “The community and legislature kept reaching out to us about the need for broadband, especially for students and those working from home.”

Despite initial concerns about costs, Ocmulgee EMC’s board recognized the necessity of providing a service that no other provider was willing to offer in their area, Peacock said.

When Conexon first reached out, the Ocmulgee team was impressed by the track record of success. Throughout the project, Conexon provided valuable support from securing grants to offering technical guidance. “Conexon had the expertise needed to get this going and already had done successful projects,” Peacock explained.

The decision to adopt the Connect model was straightforward, as it allowed Ocmulgee EMC to leverage Conexon's experience without taking on the complexities of becoming an internet service provider (ISP). “We never really considered being the ISP ourselves. Conexon knew how to do it, and that was right for us,” Peacock said. “Having Conexon beside us with their knowledge and experience was the greatest thing.”

The Connect partnership has provided reassurance, confidence and resources for navigating the challenges of broadband deployment. Conexon assisted Ocmulgee EMC with efforts that resulted in a $19 million American Rescue Plan (ARPA) grant, which was instrumental in funding the project. “Getting the ARPA grant was a game-changer for us,” Peacock said. “It opened the door for us to get started.” 

Once underway, the Connect, powered by Ocmulgee EMC, project faced supply chain issues exacerbated by the pandemic and warehouse space limitations. With Conexon’s assistance in strategic planning and collaboration with contractors and suppliers, network construction continued to move forward without delay.

Peacock counsels other cooperatives considering broadband deployment to conduct thorough research and lean on the expertise of experienced partners like Conexon. He also emphasized the importance of local political support and careful planning. “Do your research before going into this. Conexon’s leadership has been a tremendous help,” he advised. With the support of Conexon and Conexon Connect, even small or inexperienced cooperatives can achieve significant milestones and provide essential services to transform their communities. 

As network construction winds down, Ocmulgee EMC is excited about the positive impact of broadband on its community now and in the future, looking ahead to continued growth, improved take rates, and enhanced opportunities for the EMC’s rural residents and businesses. “We’re glad we were able to get the community broadband,” Peacock said. “It’s been a good adventure.”